***News Flash***
Every True Heart Girl would love this FREE clay heart necklace and signed bookplate!
Pre-order your copy of True Heart Girls Devotional: Thinking God’s Way before the November 1, 2019 release date to receive your exclusive gift and signed bookplate! (Limited supply. US residents only.)
I had so much fun making each one-of-a-kind clay heart necklace! Here’s what you need to know to receive your exclusive gift and signed bookplate:
About the book:
Everybody seems to have an opinion about how you should think! But what does God say? Discover true joy and peace as you focus your thoughts on God’s promises! This devotional for girls ages 8-12 will help girls learn to fix their thoughts on what the Bible says is important–what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and worthy of praise–among other things! Packed with 13 weeks of devotions, relatable stories, Scriptures, and over 40 fun activities & crafts, the True Heart Girls Devotional: Thinking God’s Way helps tween girls apply wisdom from Philippians 4:4-9 to their daily lives.
To receive your exclusive gift and signed bookplate:
- Pre-order the book before November 1, 2019.
- E-mail me at sherry@sherrykyle.com with your order number, date and where you purchased the book, your name and address.
There is a limited supply of clay-heart necklaces and signed bookplates, so pre-order your copy of True Heart Girls Devotional: Thinking God’s Way TODAY!
Thank you for being my loyal reader friends!
Sherry Kyle