
From the back cover:

‘All of a sudden, the nest is empty. The birds have gone, and what had been a constant blur of activity is now nothing more than a few discarded feathers. Silence mutes all that was colorful and it is time to reestablish our significant place in an ever-changing world.’

Empty Nest book cover

My take:

When my friend Marci Seither asked me if I’d like to endorse her book Empty Nest: Strategies to Help Your Kids Take Flight, I jumped at the chance. My oldest daughter, second in line of four, was heading off to college and I couldn’t breathe. How did other parents survive watching their kids take flight and leave the safety of their nest?

There are many practical and insightful chapters in this book, but the one that I turned to first is titled “College Bound.” Marci Seither reminds us that those growing up years, full of obstacles and challenges, help our children grow into strong people with strength needed to survive the big world, like a tree with many rings.

Interviews from parents also give wise input, such as this quote from Michelle Ule, “The transition from childhood into adulthood is a huge leap, and there can be a lot of uncertainty for both parents and children.” So true! If you have multiple children like my husband and I, you know circumstances can change over the years, and what works for one child doesn’t necessarily work for the next— including college. Seither also reminds us to talk about the tough stuff with our college-bound kids, such as finances, becoming independent, and how  to keep the lines of communication open.

Other insightful chapters help us to remember to breathe, hold on to memories, enjoy the ever-changing seasons, and support our children’s dreams. There is so much more to this book, and I encourage you to get a copy for yourself! Marci Seither’s relatable prose will humor you, challenge you, life you up, and calm your anxious heart. This one is a keeper!

Marci SeitherAbout the Author:

With three children moved out and three getting ready to launch, Marci Seither and her husband, John, have had a lot of practical experience in helping their kids take flight. In her spare time, Marci writes feature stories, op/ed pieces, and human-interest articles. She lives in California. Find out more about Marci and her books at www.marciseither.com


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I love to write for 8-12 year old girls to help connect them to their faith. I'm also passionate about women's fiction that reconnects lives and brings new discoveries along the way.

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I write California novels for women as well as books for 8-12 year old girls.


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  3. Laura Bennet

    Very cool! I didn’t know Marci’s kids were that old. I’ll bet it was a great book for you this year!

    • Sherry Kyle

      Marci has six kiddos. A few of them have left the nest, and a few are at home yet.