I wanted to officially announce my newest book release for 8-12 year old girls titled, The Girl’s Guide to Your Dream Room, a book filled with tons of ideas on how to spruce up a girl’s room and have an extreme makeover on the inside too. I’m really excited about this book and hope you take the time to check it out.

Here is a link to a description and sample chapters.

GGtoDream Room

Guess what? My blog tour has offically begun!

A couple of days ago, I had the privilege of being interviewed by my author friend Karen Whiting. She had a lot of interesting, thought-provoking questions. You can check it out here. Write a comment and you may win a copy of the book. While you’re there, check out Karen’s newest release, The One-Year My Princess Devotions for preschoolers.

Here is a list of the upcoming dates and websites to find more information about The Girl’s Guide to Your Dream Room:

October 11: http://www.karenbarnettbooks.com/

October 17: http://livingonblessings.com/

October 18: http://laurasconfessions.com/

October 24: http://www.sarahsundin.com/blog.html

October 25: http://www.dabneyland.com/category/publishing/

October 25: http://www.sarahtiptonbooks.com/reviews-interviews/

October 28: http://www.karenoconnor.com/blog/

October 29: http://ocieanna.com/mommyo/

Are you friends with me on Facebook or a follower on Twitter? You can connect with me by clicking on the icons on the right. I’ll announce when each review, interview, or guest post goes LIVE.

In the meantime, I hope you hug the tween girl in your life and tell her how much God loves her!




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Sherry Kyle headshot #3

I love to write for 8-12 year old girls to help connect them to their faith. I'm also passionate about women's fiction that reconnects lives and brings new discoveries along the way.

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Sherry’s Books

I write California novels for women as well as books for 8-12 year old girls.


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